Welcome to the website of the 5th International Conference Cartotête!

THe 5th International Conference Cartotête will take place in 2023 at the University Lumième Lyon 2, France
Photo campus porte des Alpes

The 5th International Conference Cartotête is hosted by the Groupe de Recherche en Psychologie Sociétale (GRePS EA 4163) of the University Lumième Lyon 2.

logo Université Lyon 2 et GRePS

A single-supervised Research Unit founded in 2007, the GRePS is the only research unit in Social and Work Psychology within the perimeter of the University of Lyon.

The GRePS brings together statutory social and work psychologists from the Institute de Psychologie and the Institut des sciences de l'éducation of the University Lyon 2 or even from the École Centrale de Lyon, and attracts researchers from various research organisations. Its research activities involve two thematic axes and aimed at studying: a) the processes of social thought (representations, cognitions, social practices) in their temporal and spatial contexts of emergence and actualisation; b) the consequences of technological, organisational and institutional changes on employees, their activity, their health, their professional career and their social environment.

Based on a common vision and desire for the social application of their work, the members of the GRePS study the dynamics of interactions, experiences and representations in real social contexts. Much collective research carried out within the laboratory is part of responses to calls for tenders from public and private research organizations on concrete societal and professional issues (prevention, health and quality of life, city and collective memory, psychosocial risks and suffering at work, gender logic and social inequalities, communication and decision-making, etc.). These partnerships are proving to be fruitful, as they allow us to be as close as possible to societal changes, emerging issues, socio-professional demands, but also to contribute to the professionalization of young researchers through confrontation with emerging research fields.

Methodological devices combining triangulation, community research, mixed methods and quasi-experimentation make it possible to deploy original psychosocial approaches and to provide singular reflections on the phenomena and groups studied. It is important to note that the laboratory benefits from an insertion within national and international networks allowing it to ensure joint accreditations of Master's mention (École Centrale de Lyon) and international partnerships (Franco-Brazilian Serge Moscovici Chair).

A growing number of publications in international journals, books and chapters, constitutes tangible proof of a quality scientific production which demonstrates the concern for the dissemination of our research within our academic communities and the involvement of more more assertive doctoral students.

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